Hi every one

its the day before Christmas and mayhem and madness is here.
However Ive got most of the presents wrapped ,the tree up, house half tidy and have fitted
in some sewing (not as much as I would have liked) and I still have things cut and pinned ready for that quiet
moment to get them done.

here's two I prepared earlier, linen and lace cameo dress
Tablecloth lace full length jacket.

So we are driving all over
Melbourne again to see one and all . Both Miss Grace and I have got a little cold and just want to stay home
o well.
Mr FV&C just wants to keep working and not stop at all !
So there you have it.
I want to wish all out there a Merry Christmas and a stress free day.
I hope Santa brings lots of gifts to all.
Cheers Lyn